Friday, August 18, 2023

Special Project for the 20th Anniversary of the National Taiwan University Sci-Fi Agency, NTUSFA: Subspace intelligence - Ex Astris Scientia - copywriting series. 臺大科幻社暨20周年社慶特別企劃:亞空間情報誌 科普短文文案系列 (Works Portfolio)

Special Project for the 20th Anniversary of the National Taiwan University Sci-Fi Agency, NTUSFA:

Subspace intelligence - Ex Astris Scientia - copywriting series.


The layout composition of the cover of the magazine, the selection of materials, and the production of the imitation of the real book.


Subspace intelligence - Ex Astris Scientia - was chosen as the main logo of the magazine, and the front, middle, background and characters were collaged and arranged.

The bottom image is presented with gradient texture material.


It is as if the magazine is also published in reality.


>For designing of this style of artwork, please contact FB: /deltaQ47


臺大科幻社暨20周年社慶特別企劃:亞空間情報誌 科普短文文案系列




選用「亞空間情報誌、 Subspace - Ex Astris Scientia - intelligence 作為雜誌主標,拼貼編排前、中、背景及人物角色,





> 如需委託此風格之圖檔,請洽 FB:/deltaQ47

Friday, August 11, 2023

NTU Sci-Fi Club 20th Anniversary and Event Invitation Design 臺大科幻社20週年暨活動邀請函設計 (Works Portfolio)

/ Studio DeltaQ-47 Portfolio part-N /

NTU Sci-Fi Club 20th Anniversary and Event Invitation Design


The only remaining student science fiction club in Taiwan is a chance to take a step forward? Or is it a crisis towards its demise?


Five years ago, Studio DeltaQ-47 designed an invitation cards series for the 20th anniversary of the NTU Sci-Fi Club.

The invitations were issued in the same format and with different identities, so that the invitations could be more closely related to the preferences and needs of various people.


>For designing of this style of artwork, please contact FB: /deltaQ47


/ Studio DeltaQ-47 作品集 part-N /




N年前,Studio DeltaQ-47 為臺大科幻社20周年暨活動設計了邀請函系列



> 如需委託設計此風格之圖文編輯,請洽 FB:/deltaQ47