Friday, September 29, 2023

UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (ver. Metallic) kit Source: BANDAI / Space Battleship Yamato / 2199 series Scale: 1/12

UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (ver. Metallic)

kit Source: BANDAI / Space Battleship Yamato / 2199 series

Scale: 1/12


This set of assembly model was also quite suitable as a practice material for newbie airbrush painters. This time, I used TAMIYA metallic lacquer paint to paint the whole body of the mecha. The metallic red part is painted by mixing TAMIYA LP-46 with a little TAMIYA LP-18. And then, finished using GSI Weathering Coler series, add some dark shades. Finally, the effect is shown as the photo, texture as metal and shades. This version is more like the visual color in realism, or as beneath the sunlight outside the ship Yamato BBY-01, or as just floating in space.


>>For sponsor the author to continue to create more model crafts, please contact *FB*: /deltaQ47


UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (金屬色版本)

廠商 / 系列:BANDAI / 宇宙戰艦大和號 / 2199 系列



這盒BANDAI出品的組裝模型相當適合拿來作為噴塗上色新手的練習素材。這次我採用 TAMIYA 金屬硝基漆進行全機體噴塗,金屬紅的部份採用 TAMIYA LP-46 加上少許 TAMIYA LP-18。呈現的效果就如同照片所示,呈現金屬色澤,以及陰影質感。這個版本更像是擬真色彩,或者單純在大和號船艦外日光直射、或宇宙空間中的樣子。


>>贊助本作者以繼續創作更多模型作品,請洽 *FB*:/deltaQ47

Friday, September 22, 2023

R2-D2 vs Analyzer AU-09 Scale: 1/12 (model craft diorama)

R2-D2 vs Analyzer AU-09

Scale: 1/12


R2-D2 was from the Star Wars franchise, and *may* George Lucas's "Star Wars" creations influenced by Japanese modern '70s movies, classic animes such as Spacebattleship Yamato or Gumdam 0079 series. So I created this diorama. Here comes 2 classic characters of driods. Imagine they met together offline. And Analyzer just said "はじめまして" to R2-D2, so do R2-D2 "beep beep" answers to Analyzer. That's so funny.


>>For sponsor the author to continue to create more model crafts, please contact *FB*: /deltaQ47.

>>Follow my IG: /deltaq47


/模型作品介紹 by DeltaQ-47/


R2-D2 是出自 Star Wars 系列的經典機器人角色,而且 George Lucas 所創作的 Star Wars 系列宇宙(3部曲)深受同期 1970s 日本電影、動畫像是宇宙戰艦大和號、以及鋼彈0079 系列的影響。所以我發想了這個場景。讓2位經典機器人角色在線下約在一起! Analzyer 向 R2-D2 打了招呼,R2-D2 也回應 "beep beep" 電子機械聲,非常有趣的場面。


>>贊助本作者以繼續創作更多模型作品,請洽 *FB*:/deltaQ47

>>追蹤我的 IG: /deltaq47

Friday, September 15, 2023

Kirov airship (C&C Red Alert 2 / Yuri's Revenge) Kit Source: ResinScales (GK / 3D-Printed) Scale: 1/350 (model craft works)

/About the Model Replicated by DeltaQ-47/
Kirov airship
(C&C Red Alert 2 / Yuri's Revenge)
Kit Source: ResinScales (GK / 3D-Printed)
Scale: 1/350
"Warning! Enemy air armada detected!"
- Zofia warning the commander of incoming Yuri's Kirovs.
The Kirov airship is a Soviet anti-surface bomber zeppelin in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge. These huge Soviet zeppelins are a true force to contend with in the air. Able to withstand tremendous amounts of damage, a Kirov attacks with massive payloads of heavy bombs, even tactical nuclear bombs. These can devastate an area. Slow speed is the main weakness of this unit.
This time, I made the product of ResinScales (GK / 3D-Printed) kit as materiel, modified the front bridge section of the model with 1/350 scaled 90cm searchlight sets and watertight doors with photoetch, added some decals, and placed a magnetic switch light in yellow to fill in the details. And then, the whole ship was sprayed with TAMIYA LP-62 Titanium Gold mixed with 30% of LP-73 Khaki and LP-75 Buff lacquer paint colors. And partially prepped with some darker gunmetal or dark iron as a secondary shading color. And the bottom hull of the ship, the tail assemblies, and the engines was painted with LP-13 IJN gray. Finally, adding more shading colors. The finished result is just like the photos.
(accept paypal payments) Thank you!
>> Follow my IG: /deltaq47

/模型作品介紹 by DeltaQ-47/
Kirov 長程戰鬥飛艇
(C&C 紅色警戒2 / 尤里的復仇)
套件來源:ResinScales (GK / 3D列印件)
「警告: 敵機發現!」
- Zofia 副官提醒指揮官,有正要來襲的尤里基洛夫飛船。
基洛夫飛艇是《終極動員令:紅色警戒 2》和《尤里的復仇》中的蘇聯側對地轟炸齊柏林飛船。這些巨大的蘇聯飛艇是真正的空中艦隊力量。Kirov 除了可以承受甚大的制空攻擊,她也攜帶大量重型炸彈,甚至是戰術核彈進行轟炸攻擊。這些炸彈可以完全摧毀一個區域。但巡航速度慢也是它的主要弱點。
這次,我製作了 ResinScales(GK / 3D列印件)的產品作為主要材料,加上 1/350 的 90 cm 探照燈組、水密門蝕刻片對模型的前艦橋部分進行了加強細節,再加一些水貼細節,並加裝了一個黃色的磁性開關燈作為尾端引擎燈效。然後,用 TAMIYA LP-62 鈦金色混合 30% 的 LP-73 卡其色和 LP-75 米黃色漆進行主色噴塗。再用一些深色砲鐵色或深鐵色作為預置陰影色。然後用 LP-13 IJN 灰噴塗艦體底部、尾翼組件和引擎們。最後,添加更多的陰影色修飾。完成後的效果就如照片一樣。

>> 追蹤我的 IG: /deltaq47

Friday, September 8, 2023

UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (ver. Normal) kit Source: BANDAI / Space Battleship Yamato / 2199 series Scale: 1/12

UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (ver. Normal)

kit Source: BANDAI / Space Battleship Yamato / 2199 series

Scale: 1/12


This set of assembly model was a bit challenge for newbie model craft painters. In particular, the silver border on the two areas of the robot's head is not easy to cover, so it is a good idea to use a pen and a solvent to remove any excess paint. This time, I spray painted the key areas only. Finished it with a semi-gloss clear lacquer. Finally, the effect is shown as the photo. This version is more like the visual color with the lights dimmed inside the ship Yamato BBY-01. In addition, this model can be inserted 2 sets of BANDAI small lightning kit, and this shooting was also used on.


>>For sponsor the author to continue to create more model crafts works, please contact *FB*: /deltaQ47


/模型作品介紹 by DeltaQ-47/


UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (正常版)

套件來源:BANDAI / 宇宙戰艦大和號 / 2199 系列



這盒BANDAI出品的組裝模型對模型上色新手來說有點挑戰性,尤其是機器人頭上兩區的銀色邊框,不容易噴塗時遮蓋,適合用筆塗再用溶劑將多餘的色漆擦除。這次我只有替重點部位噴塗上色,並試著用平光漆作最後修飾。呈現的效果就如同照片所示。這個原色的版本更像是動畫之中在燈效略暗的大和號 BBY-01 船艙內所見所得的顯色。除此之外,本模型可以置入2顆 BANDAI 的小燈效套件,在這次拍攝過程中也有使用上。


>>贊助本作者以繼續創作更多模型作品,請洽 *FB*:/deltaQ47

Friday, September 1, 2023

R2-D2 kit Source: BANDAI S.H.F. / Star Wars series Scale: 1/12


kit Source: BANDAI S.H.F. / Star Wars series

Scale: 1/12

This time, the finished product of the BANDAI / SHF Spirits series is used as the practice material for the weathering coloring. The GSI Weathering Coler series is used for weathering brushing. And it's referring to the weathering effects in the original movie series. Despite the droids in the original play sometimes "take baths" and become cleaner. Finished with a matte clear lacquer.

>>For sponsor the author to continue to create more model crafts, please contact *FB*: /deltaQ47


套件來源:BANDAI SHF魂 / Star Wars 星際大戰 系列


本次用 BANDAI / SHF魂系列的完成品來作舊化上色的練習素材,試著用 GSI Weathering Coler 系列舊化液進行筆塗舊化。並且參照原始電影系列劇照中的特效,雖然劇中的機器人們有時也會「洗澡」而變得比較乾淨。最後噴上消光透明漆修飾。

>>贊助本作者以繼續創作更多模型作品,請洽 *FB*:/deltaQ47