UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (ver. Metallic)
kit Source: BANDAI / Space Battleship Yamato / 2199 series
Scale: 1/12
This set of assembly model was also quite suitable as a practice material for newbie airbrush painters. This time, I used TAMIYA metallic lacquer paint to paint the whole body of the mecha. The metallic red part is painted by mixing TAMIYA LP-46 with a little TAMIYA LP-18. And then, finished using GSI Weathering Coler series, add some dark shades. Finally, the effect is shown as the photo, texture as metal and shades. This version is more like the visual color in realism, or as beneath the sunlight outside the ship Yamato BBY-01, or as just floating in space.
>>For sponsor the author to continue to create more model crafts, please contact *FB*: /deltaQ47
UNCF Analyzer AU-09 (金屬色版本)
廠商 / 系列:BANDAI / 宇宙戰艦大和號 / 2199 系列
這盒BANDAI出品的組裝模型相當適合拿來作為噴塗上色新手的練習素材。這次我採用 TAMIYA 金屬硝基漆進行全機體噴塗,金屬紅的部份採用 TAMIYA LP-46 加上少許 TAMIYA LP-18。呈現的效果就如同照片所示,呈現金屬色澤,以及陰影質感。這個版本更像是擬真色彩,或者單純在大和號船艦外日光直射、或宇宙空間中的樣子。
>>贊助本作者以繼續創作更多模型作品,請洽 *FB*:/deltaQ47