R2-D2 vs Analyzer AU-09
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R2-D2 was from the Star Wars franchise, and *may* George Lucas's "Star Wars" creations influenced by Japanese modern '70s movies, classic animes such as Spacebattleship Yamato or Gumdam 0079 series. So I created this diorama. Here comes 2 classic characters of driods. Imagine they met together offline. And Analyzer just said "はじめまして" to R2-D2, so do R2-D2 "beep beep" answers to Analyzer. That's so funny.
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/模型作品介紹 by DeltaQ-47/
R2-D2 是出自 Star Wars 系列的經典機器人角色,而且 George Lucas 所創作的 Star Wars 系列宇宙(3部曲)深受同期 1970s 日本電影、動畫像是宇宙戰艦大和號、以及鋼彈0079 系列的影響。所以我發想了這個場景。讓2位經典機器人角色在線下約在一起! Analzyer 向 R2-D2 打了招呼,R2-D2 也回應 "beep beep" 電子機械聲,非常有趣的場面。
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